Monday, June 2, 2008

Eric & Brooke

Eric is the oldest of 4 siblings raised in our home. Eric and I have the same type of personality in that we like rules and don't mind inforcing those rules even if nobody else cares. We also recognize a good thing when we see it. When Eric was approximately 8 years old, he threatened to run away from home. I sat down with him and explained all the pros and cons of leaving home. Evidently I did such a good job that years later as a teenager, when there was so much teenage angst, he would threaten us to NEVER move away from home and in fact, we moved to So. California in 2000 leaving HIM behind. Later on he and his wife moved down to Los Angeles area near us. Six years later and with his divorce and different moves in the works, he has wound up back at home with us once more.
About 3 months ago Eric was surfing the net and met up with a girl. They talked a few times, when they had the following conversation (as told to me by Eric):
Eric: Where do you work?
Brooke: I work in Rancho Cucamonga
Eric: So do I! Where do you live?
Brooke: I live in Pomona.
Eric: So do I!
Brooke: I live in a mobile home park across from the DMV.
Eric: So do I!
Of course this is sort of simplistic but you get the idea. He came out of the room laughing saying he just had to go see this girl just for the fun of it if for no other reason. Here he has been living in this house for the past 2 years and he might have seen the girl many times over the years and not even realized it. It turns out that if you walk out our front door, through the neighbors house across the street, through the neighbor behind them and out to the corner house, you would be standing in her front yard.
You have to understand that except for work and an occasional night out with a friend to a wrestling match or comedy act, Eric never left his room and his on-line gaming. Since he and Brooke have been dating, he is never home.
Eric and Brooke will be married January 10, 2009.